- ஆண் - பெண் உறவையோ, இயக்கத்தையோ உலகத்தின் எந்த மதமும் மறுத்ததில்லை. அப்படி எந்த மதமாயினும் மறுத்திருக்குமானால் உலக இயக்கமே தடுமாறிப் போயிருக்கும் இஸ்லாம், கிறிஸ்தவம், இந்துமதம் இவை அனைத்துமே முழுக்க இல்லறத்தை ஆதரித்தவையாகும். பெண்டு பிள்ளைகளைத் துறந்து விட்ட மாத்திரத்திலேயே ஒருவன் முக்திக்குத் தகுதி உடையவன் ஆக மாட்டான் என்று ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ண பகவான் கீதையில் உபதேசிக்கிறார். பெண்டுகள், பிள்ளைகள், சுற்றத்தார், இனத்தார், நாட்டாரை துறந்து செல்பவன் கடவுளுடைய இயற்கை விதிகளைத் துறந்து செல்கிறான். மனவலிமை இல்லாமையே அதன் காரணம். வசிஷ்டர், வாமதேவர் முதலிய மகரிஷிகள் அத்தனை பேரும் மணம் புரிந்து கொண்டு மனைவி மக்களுடனேயே இன்புற்று வாழ்ந்தனர். புலன்களை அடக்கியாளும் பொருட்டாக அக்காலத்து ரிஷிகள் பிரம்மச்சாரிகளாக இருந்த, நெடுங்காலம் பலவகைக் கொடிய தவங்கள் செய்து முடித்து, பின்பு இல்வாழ்க்கையில் புகுதலே மஹரிஷிகளுக்குள் வழக்கமாக நடைபெற்று வந்தது.
- உற்சாகமான ஒரு தாம்பத்ய வாழ்க்கையை மேற்கொள்வதை, ஆடவர்கள் புனிதமான கோயில் வாழ்க்கையாக எண்ணிக் கொள்ள வேண்டும். வெறும் வரட்டுத்தனமும், வெறும் காம வேட்கையுமல்ல இல்லற வாழ்க்கை என்பது. பல கடமைகளுக்கு நடுவே காதல் என்றாலும், காதல் தான் முதலிடம் வகிப்பது அந்த முதலிடத்தைக் கணவன் தான் மனைவிக்குத் தந்தாக வேண்டும். கற்புடைய மனைவியுடன் காலதலுற்று அறமும் தர்மமும் தவறாமல் வாழ்தலே இவ்வுலகத்தில் சுவர்க்க வாழ்க்கையை ஒத்ததாகும்.
- ஒருவனுக்குத் தன் வீடே கோயில், வீட்டிலே தெய்வத்தைக் காணத் திறமையில்லாதவன் மலைக்குகையிலோ, மற்ற கோயிலிலோ கடவுளைக் காண மாட்டான்.
- மனைவியுடன் துயிலும் போது, மனைவியின் கையால் சாப்பிடும் போது, மனைவி தமக்குப் பெற்றெடுத்துத் தந்த குழந்தை தொட்டிலில் தூங்கும் போது இந்தப் புனிதமான வாழ்க்கை உலகில் எவருக்கும் அமையாது என்கின்ற உற்சாகம் வேண்டும். பல கடமைகளுக்கு மேலே தான் அவள் காதலை வைத்திருக்கிறாள் என்றாலும் அவளுடைய உடம்பையும் அமைதிப் படுத்த வேண்டியது, நிம்மதிப்படுத்த வேண்டியது கணவனின் கடமையாகும். ஒரு பெண் வாழ்ந்தாள் என்று சொல்வதே அவள் கணவனோடு வாழ்ந்தாள் என்பதைத் தான் குறிக்கும்.
- இல்லறமல்லது நல்லறமில்லை. அனுசரித்துப் போவது தான் இல்லறத்தில் மிக முக்கியம். நல்ல குழந்தை ஒரு வீட்டில் பிறந்திருக்கிறதென்றால் கணவன், மனைவி நன்றாக வாழந்திருக்கிறார்கள் என்பது அதன் பொருளாகும்.
- கணவன் மனைவிக்குச் செய்ய வேண்டிய கடமைகளை மறந்து விடக்கூடாது. மனைவியிடம் இருந்து கணவனும் கடமையை எதிர்பார்க்கலாம். அதை நிறைவேற்ற அவள் தயங்கக் கூடாது.
- ஒரு இந்துப்பெண் - ஒரு இந்தியப்பெண் தன்னுடைய கணவனின் தேவைகளை எந்தக் காலத்திலும் மறுக்கவும் மாட்டாள். மறக்கவும் மாட்டாள். எனவே கணவன் - மனைவி உறவு என்பது புனிதமானது; கோயில் போன்றது; கோபுரத்துச் சிலை போன்றது என்பதை மனதிலே கொண்டு வாழ்வைத் துவக்குங்கள்
- . உங்களுக்குப் பிறக்கின்ற குழந்தையும் ஆரோக்கியமாக இருக்கும். அவனுக்கு வருகின்ற மனைவியும் - அவளுக்கு வருகின்ற மண மகனும், ஆக மாப்பிள்ளை வந்தாலும் மருமகள் வந்தாலும் உங்களைப் பார்த்து அவர்கள் வாழக் கற்றுக் கொள்வார்கள். ஆரோக்கியமான சந்ததி உருவாகும்.
- உங்களாலே நீங்கள் மட்டுமல்ல, உங்கள் குழந்தைகள் வாழ்கின்றன. உங்கள் பேரன் பேத்திகள் வாழ்கின்றார்கள். உங்களைப் பார்த்து அடுத்த வீடு, அக்கம் பக்கம் வாழ்கின்றது. அத்தோடு சமுதாயமே வாழ்கின்றது. நல்ல சமுதாயத்துக்கு அடிப்படை ஒரு நல்ல குடும்பம்.
- http://vevintravelline-viki.blogspot.com/
எது இனிய இல்லற வாழ்கை முறை?
Love each other, and enjoy the ride.
The world can be a very scary place. Everything seems to change on a daily basis. Uncertainty in every aspect of life surrounds us. We are all faced with one tragedy after another. On any particular day you can read about plane crashes, terrorism, crystal meth or whatever. You may be wondering; how does this affect love? The current divorce rate is nearing 50 per cent. Can you imagine the impact on the children? On one hand, no wonder relationships are struggling and the divorce rate is so high. We are living in a world of "me" time. Consumption is king. We all need to take a deep breath and slow down. Life is moving too fast. We need to get back to a day where we say "Hi" to our neighbours instead of fearing them. On the other hand, it's not all bad: I'm happy, in fact, I'm individually optimistic, yet, globally pessimistic. Can we change the course of things to come? I don't know. We've messed it up pretty bad. Just think about it for a moment. The family unit is in a state of crisis; the institution of marriage may be failing. C'mon, two drinking buddies getting married in Ontario? I suggest in the future for those of you walking down the aisle could you please uncross your fingers and take your tongue out of your cheek. You're only screwing up your kids and, in turn, our world. If everyone actually meant, "till death do us part," the divorce rate may only be 20 - 25 per cent resulting in: At least a 50 per cent reduction in unwanted children, in turn resulting in: A smaller global population, in turn resulting in: Less consumption, in turn resulting in: HOPE! Wait a second, if that was the equation. I might not exist. We have certainly left one messed up world for the next generation to try to fix. It's too bad that most of them come from broken homes. How are they going to fix the world, when they can't even fix themselves? My radical suggestions: Be aware of what is going on in "our" world. Look at yourself first and the people in your life who matter and to try to encourage, nurture and love. Turn off the news (except for 24 hours). Laugh, smile and cry from time to time. Have a blast. Treat others with kindness. Make your "moments" memorable. Don't have kids just for the sake of it - kids aren't puppies. Avoid confrontations: life is too short. And most important, remember to hug each other. We may not be able to fix the mess, however, we can have a blast during the ride.
The Powerful Secret to A Loving Relationship
There are many factors that go into creating a loving relationship. Certainly it helps if two people have some things in common regarding how they like to spend their time. It also helps if they have common values around religion or spirituality, around politics, the environment, abortion, and personal growth. It helps if they both eat junk food or both eat organic food. It makes things easier if both are neat or both are messy, if both are on time people or both are late people. Physical attraction is also quite important. It’s great if they have common values around money and spending. Yet a couple can have all of these and still not have a loving relationship if one element is missing. Without this essential ingredient, all the other wonderful attributes will not be enough to make the relationship work. This essential ingredient is about intention. At any given moment, each of us is devoted to only one of two different intentions: to control or to learn. When our intention is to control, our deepest motivation is to have control over getting love, avoiding pain, and feeling safe. When our intention is to learn, our deepest motivation is to learn about being loving to ourselves and others. The motivation to get love rather than be loving can create havoc within a relationship.
New Love: Show Your Feelings with Flowers
Flowers are simply amazing because of their beauty, their grace, and the amazing impact they have on most women. Since receiving flowers is most women’s dream, regardless of how many times they have received them, men should know what flowers to give their girlfriends on different occasions throughout the year. Yes, that is right, flowers should be given throughout the year and not just reserved for Valentine’s Day. The reason for this is when women receive flowers they feel special, and if you are giving flowers for a special occasion then making your girlfriend feel extra special is very important. Also, flowers may be given for no reason at all and this will certainly make your girlfriend feel as if she has the most amazing boyfriend ever.
Girlfriend’s Birthday:
Your girlfriend’s birthday is right around the corner or worse yet today, and you are searching for the perfect gift. However, the best gift you can give is the gift of flowers and fortunately no matter how serious your relationship with your girlfriend there are many types of flowers that are appropriate and will help you take your relationship to the next level. The reason why is because flowers are powerful and women are enchanted by them. Women love to tell other women they received flowers, it shows their boyfriend is confident, really interested in them and cares for them no matter what flower is given. Although, there are some flowers that are especially great birthday gifts.For example, honeysuckle is a good birthday gift because it symbolizes happiness. Carnations in red symbolize passion and pink symbolize your girlfriend is always on your mind, so either choice is a great choice. Gerber daisies and wildflowers are both great selections because they are beautiful, bright, and are not interpreted as “coming on too strong” if the relationship is new.
Girlfriend’s Graduation :
Your girlfriend may be graduating from high school, college, or an advanced degree program, but regardless of the degree she is receiving she will love to receive flowers. This shows not only that you are proud of her, but also that you care enough about her to buy flowers that are appropriate for this special occasion. For example, for your girlfriend’s graduation forget-me-nots are great choices because they represent true love as well as memories. Caladiums are good choices as well because they represent delight and joy while white carnations signify good luck and sweetness. Of course, pink flowers stand for happiness and graduation is a happy occasion and a perfect reason to give your girlfriend pink roses.
Valentine’s Day:
Red roses are the best flowers for Valentine’s Day and the type of flowers most women want to receive on this special day. The relationship you have with your girlfriend may affect the color of roses you buy, however. Red roses should be reserved for longer relationships where the couple is passionately in love. Pink roses are appropriate for a newer relationship because they symbolize the relationship and happiness, but do not put any pressure on the girl regarding your feelings other than to let her know you really like her. Any other color of rose is appropriate as well, especially if your girlfriend is passionate about a certain color. Primrose is another good flower choice to give your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day because it is in essence saying you cannot live without her; the exact sentiment you want to express on the day of love. Carnations are also appropriate and the color you choose should represent your feelings. Red signifies passion, pink that she is on your mind and white sweetness.
Girlfriend’s Birthday:
Your girlfriend’s birthday is right around the corner or worse yet today, and you are searching for the perfect gift. However, the best gift you can give is the gift of flowers and fortunately no matter how serious your relationship with your girlfriend there are many types of flowers that are appropriate and will help you take your relationship to the next level. The reason why is because flowers are powerful and women are enchanted by them. Women love to tell other women they received flowers, it shows their boyfriend is confident, really interested in them and cares for them no matter what flower is given. Although, there are some flowers that are especially great birthday gifts.For example, honeysuckle is a good birthday gift because it symbolizes happiness. Carnations in red symbolize passion and pink symbolize your girlfriend is always on your mind, so either choice is a great choice. Gerber daisies and wildflowers are both great selections because they are beautiful, bright, and are not interpreted as “coming on too strong” if the relationship is new.
Girlfriend’s Graduation :
Your girlfriend may be graduating from high school, college, or an advanced degree program, but regardless of the degree she is receiving she will love to receive flowers. This shows not only that you are proud of her, but also that you care enough about her to buy flowers that are appropriate for this special occasion. For example, for your girlfriend’s graduation forget-me-nots are great choices because they represent true love as well as memories. Caladiums are good choices as well because they represent delight and joy while white carnations signify good luck and sweetness. Of course, pink flowers stand for happiness and graduation is a happy occasion and a perfect reason to give your girlfriend pink roses.
Valentine’s Day:
Red roses are the best flowers for Valentine’s Day and the type of flowers most women want to receive on this special day. The relationship you have with your girlfriend may affect the color of roses you buy, however. Red roses should be reserved for longer relationships where the couple is passionately in love. Pink roses are appropriate for a newer relationship because they symbolize the relationship and happiness, but do not put any pressure on the girl regarding your feelings other than to let her know you really like her. Any other color of rose is appropriate as well, especially if your girlfriend is passionate about a certain color. Primrose is another good flower choice to give your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day because it is in essence saying you cannot live without her; the exact sentiment you want to express on the day of love. Carnations are also appropriate and the color you choose should represent your feelings. Red signifies passion, pink that she is on your mind and white sweetness.
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